Last week during story writing I introduced a new idea for punctuation. ( from David Mitchell) Every time the children use a full stop, comma, capital letter, exclamation mark, question mark and speech mark correctly in theirstories they receive points. Last weeks TOP 6 PUNCTUATION POINTSleaders are:
The Interface Magazine Awards were announced today - Huge congratulations to all the winners, such great work and ideas in your blogs and tweets. Make sure you have a look at their work.
SURPRISE - we are runners up in the Best Class Blog category :) :) Big thank you to everyone who voted for us.
Today when we got back from swimming we had a visit from V8 cars and their drivers . They all introduced themselves and them we got to meet them and get their signatures. We looked at their cars, most of them had safety bars and different types of seatbelts.We thought the cars were - fantastic, one was on olden days car, we would like to drive one. Taffy and Cooper.
By Nivae, Jack and Maddie. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. This week we have been doing-
swimming every day
we did a story about what we saw when we suddenly turned around
we had some V8 cars come to our school. We got posters and a colouring competition. Me Topham is going to be racing in one of the cars!!! How do you think he will go?
we hit 30, 000 on our blog
South Learning Centre came to work with us
our jump jammers are in a competition tomorrow - good luck!!!
we found out today we are the runners up in the Interface Magazine Best Class Blog Competition.
Like many places around Christchurch, the Christchurch South Library has been closed due to earthquake damage. While closed, the lovely people there decided to do an outreach programme for schools. On Tuesday we had a visit from them. Our class and another class had the opportunity to use their ipads and use the app puppet pals. First we chose either - The Wonkey Donkey or The Red Tree story and then interviewed each other using the app. It was heaps of fun. Thank you South Learning Centre.
Last Wednesday we made the phases of the moon out of Oreo cookies. The moon has 8 phases, - new moon, waxing crescent moon, first quarter moon, waxing gibbous moon, full moon, waning gibbous moon, last quarter, waning crescent moon.
To make Oreo moons we had to twist the cookies so they came apart into 2 pieces , then we looked carefully at the diagrams and used spoons and knives to scrape away the cream / icing. we put them in order on the paper plates and labeled the moons. Then Maia took a photo of our work then............we ate all the moons!!! - yum
Today we were extremely lucky to be able to watch some parts of the eclipse. Luckily we had special glasses so our eyes wouldn't get damaged. It was awesome because it changed to different shades of colours - red, yellow, orange. Have a look at this link to some amazing photos.
Last term when we finished reading "The One and Only Ivan" we emailed the author - Katherine Applegate to tell her how much we loved her book. We also asked her a few questions. Today we got a reply from her. it was very exciting getting a reply as we know she is very busy.
Here is the reply.........
Hello to beautiful New Zealand, and thanks for your note. Your questions were :
> How long did it take you to write the story? Two or three months plus the publishing cycle
> Did you go and study how gorillas behaved? I read a lot of books, plus a zoo visit
> How did you know about Ivan? Can't quite remember .. a news story I think
> Did you ever go and see Ivan? Yes .. my daughter Julia and I went to see him
Thanks again for writing to me.
Katherine Applegate