Friday, 3 August 2012

This term so far-

We have been so busy this term we haven't had time to do our weekly round ups.
  1. We read a great book called The Tunnel " by Anthony Browne and did some interesting activities.
  2. We started a unit on Ancient Greece. We did a sort of play -  some boys went to school, some girls had to cook and clean and sew and the others were slaves. They had to make us desert, wash feet, help others and clean up around the school.
  3. We have been making posters about Ancient Greece. We have had to research about - Where ancient Greece was, reasons for Olympic games, clothes, daily life, houses, theater, Athens, Sparta and Architecture. We have liked making the books because its fun researching, they tell us lots of information and they look really cool. It has extended our knowledge.
  4. Olympics. SSHHHHHH dont tell anyone- We have had a tv on at playtime and lunchtime to watch the Olympics.
  5. New Zealand is doing really well in the Olympics, we think they will get more medals.
  6. Mr Baker has been in taking our class for a few days. He has a funny voice when he reads us stories, we like having Mr Baker in our class.
BY Taffy, Liam and Hamish

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